The contemplating bear

The banner image on this blog is a photo I snapped of a bear in Alaska. I love this image because as the other bears seemed to be intently focused on the sounds of salmon in the stream, this bear’s focus was up and out on the universe.

This bear is me. I learned on that trip that I am a bear at heart and this photo highlights why.

My name is Lakia (la-key-ah). La means “the” in Italian, and kia is Australian Aboriginal dialect for “life”, hence the name of the blog. But the name is also the purpose. This blog is about seeking the next adventure, the next step in my personal development and a better understanding of the universe and my place in it. Like the contemplative bear.

If you feel an affinity with my contemplative bear you might find my posts about Nature and Crafting act as muses to your musings, croutons to your contemplations or tinder for your thoughts. I would love to hear from you in the comments.

The Life is about contemplating things in a fun way and exploring the lighter side of life.

Thanks for stopping by!


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